In the last three years, the company has grown rapidly, so it was necessary to innovate and speed up internal processes, requiring implementing a system that integrates all areas at a general level.
From 2019, we plan to integrate the Deputy Accountant and project leader's software, Fernando Chirguana, who, together with Yvan Saldarriaga, IT Manager, achieved 100% implementation in early 2020.
The SAP system, leader in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software, is a computer system that allows companies to correctly manage their human resources, logistics, production, etc.
This system allows us to manage different actions of our company, especially those involved in the production, logistics, inventory, administration, and accounting. It also provides us with information based on data and analyzing everything processed, resulting in decision-making.
Features and benefits:
Thanks to SAP Business One, the planning of our business resources and the interpretation of the data provided allows all the areas involved to work as a team to achieve a better and more orderly operation.
The proper use of our resources helps us respond promptly to customer and supplier requests, translating into reliable and prosperous business relationships. It also allowed us to identify opportunity areas and improve through the process and time information analysis.
The goal is that all Coinrefri SRL areas are correctly communicated and working with the most updated and immediate information.