FIP of the Giant Squid Fishery
April 24, 2020
Fishing Season – Resource: Mahi-Mahi 2020/21
November 19, 2020

PIFs are initiatives that, in the case of hake, help fisheries meet sustainability standards established by international eco-certifiers such as the Marine Stewardship Council.

Thus, hake would become the first fishing resource in the country to achieve this remarkable distinction, and the second resource in Latin America to be recognized for its proper and healthy exploitation in the country.

The Improvement Project (PROME) or PIF of Hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) consists of reinforcing fishery research, management and sustainability by applying an ecosystem approach to achieve certifiable status. A group of 12 companies has implemented this project since February 15, 2017, with the technical advice of CeDePesca.

Main objectives of the IFP

The NGO CEDEPESCA has been working with the Government since 2017 to achieve the following objectives:

  • To increase the transparency of the harvesting strategy.
  • To close information gaps related to the impact of the fishery on other components of the ecosystem, and adopt mitigation measures, if necessary.
  • To achieve regular exchanges between Ecuador and Peru regarding hake fishing.
  • To adopt explicit long-term objectives related to the stock status and the impacts of the fishery on the ecosystem.
  • To find solutions to minimize illegal and unreported fishing.


Current situation of program management in our country.

PROME considered it feasible to enter the process of a full evaluation of the fishery against the MSC standard. Thus, the members decided to hire the services of Bureau Veritas, which is currently performing the preliminary analysis.

The organization CEDEPESCA highlighted that European clients "are highly interested in this fishery being certified by the MSC."

Obtaining this seal means complying with the world's most recognized standard for sustainability based on the code of conduct for responsible fishing set by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Francisco Takahashi, General Manager of Coinrefri SRL, highlights the importance of this species because it would become the first certified sustainable product in the country. "Hake could regain its space in the international whitefish market. Many species with which it competes are already certified, so it would contribute to a better appreciation of the product.”



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